
Ethical and Legal Considerations


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  1. Ethical
    and Legal Considerations

    1. National Association of Mortgage Brokers Code of Ethics
    2. Ethics in Advertising
  2. Discrimination
    1. Protected Classes
    2. Prohibited Practices
    3. Other Types of Discrimination
  3. Disclosure
    and Privacy

    1. Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)
    2. TRID Disclosures

Learning Objectives

  1.       Understand Ethics and the purpose of codes of
  2.       Understand how business ethics applies to
    mortgage origination.
  3.       Learn how
    to identify ethical situations.
  4.       Identify the various anti-discrimination laws
  5.       Know the federal laws and the “disclosure
    obligations” they impose
  6.       Understand the Indicators of mortgage fraud
  7.       Define participants and their roles in
    mortgage fraud schemes
  8.       Understand predatory lending practices.
  9.       Understand the meaning of Business Ethics.


PowerPoints, Video PowerPoint
Presentation and Optional Quiz