
Mortgage Fraud and Predatory Lending


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SKU: MP-FRAUD Category:


  1. Ethics
    and Mortgage Fraud

    1. Fraud and Conspiracies
    2. Fraud for Profit
    3. Housing Fraud
    4. Red Flags of Mortgage Fraud
    5. Transaction Fraud
    6. Fraud Participants 
    7. Appraisal Independence
    8. Flipping
    9. Other Types of Mortgage Fraud
  2. Penalties
    for Mortgage Fraud

    1. Excessive Fees
    2. Common Predatory Lending Ploys 
  3. Predatory

    1. Excessive Fees
    2. Common Predatory Lending Ploys
    3. Indicators of Predatory Lending
    4. Anti-Predatory Lending Laws
  4. Consumer
    Protection for High Cost Loans

Learning Objectives

  1.       Understand the meaning of fraud
  2.       Understand the different types of fraud
  3.       Understand the penalties for participating in
    mortgage fraud.

Teaching Methods:  

Video PowerPoint Presentation and Optional Quiz