Mortgage Originators
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Temporary Authority W-2 Requirement
For those who have been following our series and attending our webinars on 1099 v. W-2, here’s a new consideration in the age-old debate. The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA) revised the SAFE Act. Effective Monday, November 25, 2019 the revision allows QUALIFIED Registered (depository)...
Introducing Mortgage Professional News
Introducing Mortgage Professional News a streaming information service that delivers timely information directly to your inbox. Content is from three major sources: Articles and discussion on recent Mortgage Professional topics Live Webinars, New Courses, Presentations, Videos on Mortgage Education Major Notices for Mortgage Professionals Keep up to date on...
What the Heck is SOFR?
Every time I finish writing another episode on mortgage financing, as if on queue, something significant changes. If you sell financial products linked to LIBOR, changes may be heading your way…okay so maybe not till 2021! Today, Timothy Kitt, Senior Vice President, Head of Pricing and Execution for Freddie...
Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
On October 13, 2022 the Federal Department of Labor published findings in Vol. 87, No. 197 of the Federal Register. The W-2/1099 controversary hits many businesses. As stated in previous posts, there is no special 1099 consideration for mortgage loan originators. Regardless of which state you work in or...
Waiting Until 70 For Social Security Benefits may not make sense and here is why.
Waiting Until 70 For Social Security Benefits may not make sense and here is why.
Originators: Consumers Need You More Than Ever!
Loan locked, Loan Estimate out, Intent to Proceed signed, appraisal inspection scheduled for today. What could go wrong? And then the call…customer letting me know she canceled the inspection. No, she didn’t want 0.00% 30 year fixed! She and her husband are both physicians working in an E.R. where...
January 2, 2020 Originator 4-4-10
Some content is more easily digested and retained when taken online. It depends on the depth of the content, the experience of the student and the need for reinforcement. You asked for it…we got it! LIVE workshop January 15, 2020; 9:00-5:00 Martin County Realtors of the Treasure Coast, Stuart,...
Did the CFPB Mandate Education for Bank Originators?
Did the game just change? For the sake of full disclosure, I am an originator, course developer and trainer. I think you may want to read the recently released guidance. This is not a secret. Consumers do not know the differences between “individual originators,” registered or licensed or brokers, lenders or banks....
Be Smart…Getting Smart!
CLOES.online has several options to complete 2018 NMLS Approved C.E. For states with no additional requirements, take the 8-Hour SAFE Comprehensive. For Florida state license renewals here is the FL 8-Hour CE. For all other states take the 7-Hour CORE, then click here to register for other state C.E. •...
IRS Offers One-Time Chance to Correct Taxes of Misclassified Employees! Part 3
In episode 3 of our 4-part series (Dynamex vs. Superior Court CA), we discuss how employers can be penalized for misclassified workers, how back taxes and payroll tax penalties are calculated and what you can do to correct your classification of employees. 4 Part Mini- Series Dynamex Operations West...
What People Say
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Student CE Class 2018
8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive Federal CE 2018 – November 2018
Deb was great in presenting the true nature of the course piece by piece and helped with her many years of experience outline some of the more critical areas of the industry and expectations. The course was excellent because the provider was an experienced mortgage veteran for many years and understands how to present the material to make sure the key points as well as the main facts of the true nature of the job are outlined while instilling the required knowledge of the federal laws and guidelines mandated in the industry.