New York State Required Mortgage Compliance Training ProgramOriginal price was: $349.00.$249.00Current price is: $249.00.
This program includes the minimum requirements for: BSA/Anti-Money Laundering Cybersecurity and Red Flags Truth-In-Lending Act (“TILA”) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”) NYS Human Rights and The Fair Housing…
Required Mortgage Compliance Training ProgramOriginal price was: $259.00.$199.00Current price is: $199.00.
This program includes the minimum requirements for: BSA/Anti-Money Laundering Cybersecurity and Red Flags Truth-In-Lending Act (“TILA”) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”), Fair Housing Act Home Mortgage Disclosure Act…
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Truth in Lending UpdateOriginal price was: $99.00.$79.00Current price is: $79.00.
Course Outline TILA Definitions Part a TILA Definitions Part B TILA Review Advertising Requirements Permissible Finance Charges APR Tolerances Disclosed Finance Charges Learning Objectives To…
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Federal Mortgage Laws Update 2019$99.00
Update of Federal Mortgage Laws 2018 Statutory and Regulatory Update 2018 Outline Permissible Fees and Finance Charges The Black Hole Regulatory Environment Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act Learning…
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Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering$99.00
Course Outline BSA/AML Why Should we Care! Definitions Customer Identification Program Failure to Comply with reporting requirements Penalties for Non-Compliance Current Initiatives and Take Aways on AML Learning Objectives…
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RESPA Update$99.00
Course Outline RESPA Overview RESPA Tolerances RESPA Prohibitions More RESPA Prohibitions Marketing Service Agreements MSA Court Decisions Successor in Interests Continuity of Contracts and Loss Mitigation Learning Objectives To…
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Course Outline UDAAP UDAAP Acts and Practices UDAAP Post Crisis UDAAP Summary Learning Objectives To understand what UDAAP stands for. To understand the definition of “material” To understand what…
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Truth in Lending Recsissions$99.00
Outline Why Consumers Recind? Refinancing Rights To Recind Effects of Rescission Learning Objectives To understand TILA Refinancing Right to Rescind To understand who…
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Consumer Protection and Other Federal Laws$49.00
Outline Red Flags Rule Federal Trade Commission Homeowner and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) Disclosure Provisions of the HPA Higher Priced Mortgage Loans HPML Definition Restrictions Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform…
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Equal Credit Opportunity Act$49.00
Laws Prohibiting Discrimination Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) ECOA Requirements Enforcement Disclosures Fair Housing Act Fair Housing Act Exemptions Fair Housing Violations Discrimination in Mortgage Lending Discriminatory Practices Enforcement…
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