4th Month Loan Originator Training
This month we will focus on turning your knowledge into providing advice. Your value to a customer increases significantly if they trust you to act in their best interests as opposed to selling them a loan. By now, you have learned many of the potential traps in originating. Proving the borrower is qualified, gaining their trust, providing service that goes above and beyond your competitors because you have knowledge that is deeper than just quoting rates. Your responsibility is to your borrower. You are relentless in obtaining the best interest rate and cost structure. You know about the “sweet spot.”
Professional mortgage originators do more than quote rates. In addition to the mortgage business expertise, they know about real estate transactions, homeowner’s insurance, and what it takes to get the file approved, ask quickly as possible, with the least amount of outstanding conditions.
Putting the file together provides a great sense of accomplishment. You have earned the right to ask for referrals.