State Pre-Licensing Courses
For Additional State Pre-licensing Education we use OnCourse Learning. OnCourse Learning provides PE and CE Education for all 50 States in a read and click format available online and on-demand.
Mortgage Processing Fundamentals
Mortgage Processing Fundamentals is an on-demand, video recorded program which presents the base of knowledge needed to succeed at residential mortgage processing. This course is a comprehensive hands on training course for new mortgage processors including detail instructions, checklists, tools and advise used by today’s mortgage processors to submit loans to any lender. The course is written and presented by a 25-year seasoned loan originator who has processed her own loans. The fundamentals are universal...
Mastering Mortgage Math
Learn the math that mortgage experts use to quote loan programs and to get loan approved and closed on time. This course covers the essential mortgage calculations needed to fully analyze any loan scenario using your cell phone. Summarize basic concepts while learning techniques for loan pricing and advising customers. Provide the definitive answer to your Customer’s question: Do you have the lowest rates?
Qualifying Borrowers Using Tax Returns
This session reviews commonly used IRS forms and how to use them for qualifying income under the Ability to Repay Rules. Become a income expert. Master this analytical skill to outperform your competition. Understand the basics of what underwriters are looking for. Learn to qualify more borrowers Review of the Federal 1040 & Schedules, 1065, 1120, 1120″S”, K-1 Capture borrower’s attention using professional skills Certificate requires final assessment grade of 80% or higher.
Impact on Customers
Originators have a significant impact on the psychological emotional, and financial well-being of every consumer they interact with and it stays with them well beyond the closing. Let’s also not forget impact on our bosses, co-workers, real estate referral and other partners and our companies! We believe this is such a neglected topic, we made the first episode in the Mortgage Professional Practices program, IMPACT- Psychological, Emotional and Financial Impact, Empathy in Mortgage Transactions.
Mortgage Professional Spotlight
How Much Does a Mortgage Originator Make This 30 minute video presents Debra Killian, CRMS, explaining the options. costs and benefits of becoming a Mortgage Loan Originator. If you work for a Depository or a Mortgage Lender as a loan originator this short presentation will explain how the mortgage profession was nationalized by the federal government in 2008. If you want to become a Federally Registered Loan Originator or a State Licensed Originator...
Mortgage Origination Fundamentals
This course is designed for individual Mortgage Loan Originators who are working for a depository or credit union and do not need NMLS licensing education credits. It provides a detailed analysis of the fundamental laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans. It gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan. It lays the groundwork for a lucrative career in mortgage lending. Video Webinar Presentation of...
Mortgage Professional Consultation – Free Trial
5-Minute Professional Consultation – Debra Killian, CRMS, NMLS ID# 7567. Live session objectives: Review consulting services Meet the consultant Test systems and communications Tell us about you Get advice on issues from getting customers to getting more loans approved. Have your questions ready! Be prepared 5 minutes before the scheduled time. If Deb is free you will have extra time. This 5-minute consultation is required before consultations can be scheduled. An outline and checklist...
Mortgage Professional Consultation – 1/4 Hour
A 15 Minute Professional Consultation with Deb Killian, CRMS, NMLS ID# 7567. Get advice on any file issues you are currently having. Please have your questions ready! We are better prepared to use your time wisely if you could email us your issues or questions within 24 hours of the scheduled time. Be prepared 5 minutes before the scheduled time. If we can get on early, it is free time. Please let us know...
Mortgage Professional Advisor Consultation – 1/2 Hour
This session permits time for assisting with the initial structure of a file. Please email your session scenario or questions within 24 hours of the meeting time. We prefer a video call unless you prefer a telephone call. Please let us know if you plan to record your session. To review 1003s/credit reports, please email a Credit Authorization signed by borrower(s). This session is delivered via video call.
60-Minute Professional Consultation -Deep Dive
This session permits time for calculating income, pricing, or restructuring files. Please email your session scenario or questions within 24 hours of the meeting time. We prefer a video call unless you prefer a telephone call. Please let us know if you plan to record your session. To review 1003s/credit reports, please email a Credit Authorization signed by borrower(s). This session is delivered via video call. PLEASE NOTE: Mortgage lending is complex. Not all...
How to Grow a 100% Referral Business
In this course you will learn techniques to build a business-to-business model to develop a real estate agent, based business. Learn how 3 principles of relationship building will create business for you: Learn how to NEVER make a cold call again. Identify your investment in competency for agents to invest in you Let your contacts build your momentum and work for you. Without a plan, you are gambling with your career. For any plan...
Loan Originator Compensation 1099 v W2 Webinar Recording
This LIVE webinar will review originator classifications (W-2 vs 1099). This is NOT just a California thing! Based on the recent California Dynamex Case, a new CA law (Assembly Bill 5) passed and becomes effective January 1, 2020. Misclassification of W-2 employees as 1099 independent contractors can be a costly mistake for mortgage companies and every state will be affected by this case. Non-depository mortgage lenders and brokers are growing marketshare. The bigger we...
Mortgage Professional Certification
Over 60 hours of online classroom style instruction combined with a rigorous assessment process insures Mortgage Professional Certificate Recipients know the laws and regulation and how to apply them in their mortgage origination activities. From basic real estate competencies to advanced financing structuring every originator should check this out! Why? Mortgage origination has changed and getting a mortgage is about to become as easy to get as a credit card. How will any...
CLOES Streaming
The Latest Mortgage Origination Information in detail in 5 minutes. CLOSE LIVE