20 Hour FEDERAL SAFE NMLS PE ID# 7366 Mortgage Loan Originator
This course is designed for individuals obtaining a state license as a Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO). It meets the requirements of all 50 States for the 20 Hour Pre-licensing Education mandated by the S.A.F.E. Act. It is NMLS Approved Course ID #7366. The Course objective is to provide the SAFE Act NMLS Education Content in preparation for the National Exam. There is no longer any individual State exam. MLO provides a detailed analysis of...
22 Hour FLORIDA SAFE NMLS PE ID#7366 Includes FL 2 hour NMLS ID#11185 Mortgage Loan Originator
This course, FL-MLO, is designed for individuals obtaining a FLORIDA state license as a Mortgage Loan Originator, “M-L-O’s” for short. It meets the requirements of FLORIDA for the Pre-licensing Education mandated by the S.A.F.E. Act. FL-MLO provides a detailed analysis of the laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans in FLORIDA. FL-MLO gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan FL-MLO lays the groundwork for...
21 Hour CONNECTICUT SAFE NMLS PE ID#7366 Includes CT 1 hour NMLS ID#11080 Mortgage Loan Originator
This course, CT-MLO, is designed for individuals obtaining a Connecticut state license as a Mortgage Loan Originator, “M-L-O’s” for short. It meets the requirements of Connecticut for the Pre-licensing Education mandated by the S.A.F.E. Act. CT-MLO provides a detailed analysis of the laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans in Connecticut. CT-MLO gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan CT-MLO lays the groundwork for...
1 Hour CT SAFE PE – Mortgage Loan Originator ID# 11080
This course, MLO, is designed for individuals obtaining a Connecticut state license as a Mortgage Loan Originator. It meets the requirements for the states of Connecticut for the 1 Hour Pre-licensing Education mandated by the S.A.F.E. Act. MLO provides a detailed analysis of the laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans. MLO gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan MLO lays the groundwork for...
2 Hour FLORIDA SAFE NMLS PE Mortgage Loan Originator ID# 11185
This course, FLORIDA MLO, is designed for individuals obtaining a FLORIDA state license as a Mortgage Loan Originator. It meets the requirements for the states of FLORIDA for the 2 Hour Pre-licensing Education mandated by the S.A.F.E. Act. FLORIDA MLO provides a detailed analysis of the laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans. FLORIDA MLO gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan FLORIDA MLO...
Mortgage Origination Fundamentals
This course is designed for individual Mortgage Loan Originators who are working for a depository or credit union and do not need NMLS licensing education credits. It provides a detailed analysis of the fundamental laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans. It gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan. It lays the groundwork for a lucrative career in mortgage lending. Video Webinar Presentation of...
20 Hour FEDERAL SAFE NMLS Review Course
This course, MLO-Review, is designed for individuals who have completed the 20 Hour NMLS Pre-licensing Education Requirement but need additional instruction to help them better understand the material. The course provides 6 months of access to the material and the coursework MLO-Review provides a detailed analysis of the laws and regulations covering the origination of a mortgage loans. MLO-Review gives students basic mortgage information and skills necessary to originate a compliant mortgage loan. This Course...
The Underwriting Process
Outline Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) Qualifying a Borrower Credit Ability to repay Property Eligibility Assess Risks Analyzing Borrower and Property Capacity Credit Collateral Analyzing assets Down payment Reserves Third Party Verification Gifts Automated Underwriting Systems Desktop Underwriter DU – Fannie Mae Loan Product Advisor LP – Freddie Mac Calculating Debt to Income Ratios Income Components Debt Components Employment and Income Requirements Computing Monthly Income Credit Scores and Credit Scoring Learning Objectives Calculating LTV Identify criteria used to evaluate ability to repay Discuss Automated Underwriting...
Truth in Lending and RESPA
Outline Department of Housing and Urban Development Act HUD’s Mission Federal Housing Administration Truth in Lending Act (TILA) Reg ‘Z’ Disclosures Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Loan Estimate (LE) Finance Charges Tolerances Right of Rescission Advertising Required Disclosures Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act Amendments Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Consumer Rights Consumer Reporting Agency Obligations Bank Secrecy Act/ Anti-Money Laundering Financial Institutions Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Covered Transactions RESPA Provisions Required Disclosures Loan Estimate (LE) Closing Disclosure (CD) Learning Objectives Understand the purpose of the Truth in Lending Act...
Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Other Protections
Outline Laws Prohibiting Discrimination Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) ECOA Requirements Enforcement Disclosures Fair Housing Act Fair Housing Act Exemptions Fair Housing Violations Discrimination in Mortgage Lending Discriminatory Practices Enforcement Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Reg C Covered Properties Data Reporting Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) High Cost Loan Triggers Prohibited Practices Required Disclosures Homeowners Protection Act (HPA) Disclosure Provisions of the HPA Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act) Financial Privacy Rule Safeguards Rule E-Sign Act Disclosure Provisions Patriot Act Disclosure Provisions Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACT Act) Provisions of the FACT...
Consumer Protection and Other Federal Laws
Outline Red Flags Rule Federal Trade Commission Homeowner and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) Disclosure Provisions of the HPA Higher Priced Mortgage Loans HPML Definition Restrictions Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Homeownership counseling Qualified Mortgage Rules Ability to repay Loan Officer Compensation Rules Originator Qualifications TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) Loan Estimate Definition of a “Loan Application” Change of circumstances Disclosures General Predatory Lending Laws And UDAAP Learning Objectives Understand the purpose of the Red Flag Rules. ...
FHA Loan Programs
Outline Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Insured Loans Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund FHA Underwriting Standards Property Guidelines for FHA Loans FHA Loan Regulations Mortgage Insurance Premium Seller Contribution Limits Prepayment Penalties FHA Loan Programs Learning Objectives Identify standards for FHA-insured loans. Define upfront mortgage insurance premiums. Discuss loan options available through the FHA. Identify standards for VA-guaranteed loans. Define eligibility and entitlement for veterans. Identify guaranteed...
VA and USDA Loans
Outline VA-Guaranteed Loans Loan Limits for VA Loans Borrower Guidelines for VA Loans Qualifying Standards Property Guidelines for VA Loans Entitlement VA Loan Regulations VA Loan Programs Comparison of FHA and VA Qualifying Standards USDA Rural Development Programs Section 502 Loans Learning Objectives Understand Loan Limits for VA Loans Understand Borrower Guidelines for VA Loans How to apply Qualifying Standards Understand the Property Guidelines for VA Loans Know what an Entitlement is Understand VA...
Non-QM and Adjustable Rate Loans
Outline The Use of Nontraditional Mortgage Products Interagency Guidelines Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending Predatory Lending Subprime Loans Assessing Risk Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) How ARMs Work ARM Standardization ARM Disclosures ARM Programs Seller Financing Purchase Money Mortgage Assumption Seller-Sponsored Wraparound Financing Purchase Money Second Mortgage Land Contracts Land Contract with Assumption of an Existing Mortgage Other Forms of Creative Financing Lease/Options Lease/Purchases Equity Exchanges Participation Plans Homebuyer Assistance Programs Learning Objectives Demonstrate knowledge of...
Other Non-Traditional Products
Outline Interest Only Loans Participation Plans Negative Amortization Loans Other ARM Provisions Structured Mortgages Reverse Mortgages Construction Financing Learning Objectives Demonstrate knowledge of interest only loans Identify characteristics of negative amortization loans Identify and define other provisions of ARMS Understand other type of loans Learn calculations for ARM interest rate and payment adjustments Understand how consumers can be harmed by products Teaching Methods: PowerPoints, Video PowerPoint Presentation and Optional Quiz
Real Estate Appraisals
Outline Real Estate Appraisal Appraisal Approaches Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) The Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) Characteristics of Real Estate Value Characteristics Physical Characteristics Property-Specific Factors Affecting Real Estate Value Economic Factors Affecting Real Estate Value Defining Market Value Making Land More Valuable Assemblage and Plottage Value of Frontage The Sales Comparison Approach Substitution and the Typical Buyer Adjusting Comparable Sales Limits on Adjustments Sequence of Adjustments Researching the Sale and Transfer of Properties Transfer History of...