NMLS, Regulators & Educators Work Together to Improve CE Classes!

At the 2019 NMLS User’s Conference in Orlando, FL., I participated on a panel with state regulators and a compliance attorney about how working together can improve NMLS approved Continuing Education. If educators could obtain the results of federal and state regulator’s examinations and investigations, could we could make Continuing Education more meaningful and engaging?
Examinations (which are performed routinely) and investigations, (which are a result of a consumer or competitor’s complaints) are enforcement cases chock full of actual violations and consequences we can use to teach and learn from. We can make it real!
Instructors want to be engaging, yet must meet NMLS education requirements, which can be stringent…and for a reason! Most MLOS look at C.E. as something to check off to renew their license. What if we made education so engaging, originators looked forward to it?
Sixty two percent of CE is taken online! Generally, the cheapest path of least resistance seems to be the solution. I have talked to MLOS who take live C.E. classes simply because they don’t need to be tested. Is that something that would make your customers want to work with you?
Regulators, the NMLS, educators and managers need to change MLO expectations and mindset. If you’re a manager telling your MLOs to “just get the C.E. done,” what message are you sending?
If you have taken any of my courses, you know I believe ANYTHING you learn, in ANY class, can be applied in your next customer interaction. Knowledge demonstrates competencies your competitors may not have.
Here are just a few thoughts looking back on the conference:
- The NMLS has expressed a sincere desire to be innovative and is open to new ideas to work with regulators and educators to make course experiences better for everyone.
- The general consensus is originators go into CE classes with a “just get it over with,” mentality. There are HUGE opportunities to utilize that knowledge when selling that is being missed. Can sales managers help?
- Originators are indifferent to education because it’s viewed as redundant, “we already know this stuff!” What’s the point? Changing the way the education is developed and offered can change results and perceptions.
New thought can provide competitive advantages over lazier competitors.
Educators must provide new nuggets to connect education to customer experiences.
Originators must identify the nuggets, internalize them and apply them.
Regulators do not take compliance lightly. One regulator came right out and said he is “not interested in fines; HE WANTS MLO LICENSES!Educators with access to real enforcement cases can provide real learning.
I truly believe the NMLS will help us make learning a better experience. As a practicing originator, course developer and instructor for over 24 years, I see the apathy toward education and believe in part it is due to expectations and the quality of courses. Apathy is what drives me to creating engaging, meaningful content for originators to demonstrate their professionalism and knowledge for consumers while improving customer’s experiences.
Can thinking about education differently help you and your company look at C.E. as an opportunity to help consumers, and improve the customer experience? Isn’t that the essence of the SAFE Act? It’s up to you.
What makes learning enjoyable and effective? Write me: deb@cloes.online.