Is there any good news today? I guess at least people who have filed will begin collecting some income. The mortgage world is in flux and the challenges are coming faster than we can deal with. We play a very important role as mortgage professionals by helping people make the right decisions; what’s in their best interests. This week I told three customers NOT to refinance. If you are submitting 100% of approvable files you …
If you really, really procrastinated taking 2019 CE be glad this is a leap year! Last fall the NMLS published a Notice on 2020 Late CE Course Catalog. The notice included rules in an overview, which if you are licensed MLO, you already know, right? But…since there are two whole days left, we wanted to give you one last, late chance! The Model State Law, which a majority of states adopted when passing their own …
In December, 2019 McKinsey & Company’s article “Competing on Customer Experiences in US Mortgage,” they sited reassurance, transparency, simplicity, and speed as the four dimensions of a mortgage experience. The #1 priority; GETTING THINGS RIGHT, THE FIRST TIME! Speed and simple processes are up there, but what do you have to know to get it right the first time? Consumers still like advisors; someone to run things by, ask questions, review the numbers with and rely on …
With so much focus on AB5, California and the IRS reporting of originator income, is it possible we are missing the 10,000 lb gorilla? California is leading the country into a necessary review of worker misclassification. Recently New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oregon and Washington joined California with their version of how to address this issue of “worker misclassification.” The SAFE Act passed in Congress on July 30, 2008 mandated that all states adopt …
It’s a new year with all the hopes that January brings…it’s also Monday. New week, same old issues. You are in charge of “training.” You yawn, sip your coffee and try to remember where you left off on Friday afternoon. In-house training departments face many challenges. They are expensive and labor intensive. The cost to acquire, develop, maintain, update and deliver content and systems is an ongoing battle. Compliance takes over when new mortgage laws …
This is the first decade where social media found its place! While I was a bit late to the party, this year I was honored to cross paths with so many people simply because of social media; people I never would have met or had an opportunity to interact with. If cultivated, these relationship can be life-long and life-changing. Using social media to grow your business can be very effective. It can also be used …
December 18, 2020 – Did you attend one of our live seminars on the new 1003 this year? If so, we got side-railed a bit when the GSE’s delayed the implementation date. Well, it appears we are back on track. Today the FHFA and GSEs announced the mandatory deadline for using the new URLA: NOVEMBER 1, 2020. At least they gave us some time. Directly integrated lenders and software providers may begin testing the new …
Connecticut Independent Mortgage Brokers Association offers live webinar. While a renewed interest in employee classifications started in Califorinia, it is spreading across the country. The recent California Dynamex Case codified the terms under which a “worker” can be classified as an independent contractor under the “ABC” Test (Assembly Bill 5). The California law takes effect January 1, 2020 and many states are following suit. In March 2020, the CA Supreme Court will rule on whether …
If you followed our mini series on California’s latest law AB5, you know that independent contractor “1099” status just got tougher in CA. AB5 seriously increased the ability for state and federal governments to reclassify workers from independent contractors to “employee”(W-2) status. If this is not a topic you are familiar with, you may want to watch this 5 part mini-series. Episode 1The Dynamex Case Episode 2Dynamex Exemptions Episode 3Dynamex Penalties Episode 4Dynamex What You …
Mortgage professionals…you may think this doesn’t apply to you…and maybe it doesn’t. This purported gray area has caused many employees and companies to grapple with the rules with many debates on this topic. Until now! On October 8, 2019, the CA Supreme Court ruled that if companies have misclassified employees, the state can go back FOUR YEARS; to calculate back state and withholding taxes, state unemployment taxes, penalties and interest. Were they eligible for retirement …
In the final episode of our 4-part series (Dynamex vs. Superior Court CA), we discuss how employers are reported and steps to consider if the potential for misclassification is present. Routine state or IRS company audits may also trigger an investigation. 4 Part Mini- Series Dynamex Operations West Inc, v CA Superior Court decision Exempt workers from W-2 status Penalties for misclassified workers Proactive steps businesses should consider These educational videos are intended to provide …
In episode 3 of our 4-part series (Dynamex vs. Superior Court CA), we discuss how employers can be penalized for misclassified workers, how back taxes and payroll tax penalties are calculated and what you can do to correct your classification of employees. 4 Part Mini- Series Dynamex Operations West Inc, v CA Superior Court decision Exempt workers from W-2 status Penalties for misclassified workers Proactive steps businesses should consider These educational videos are intended to …
In the 2nd of our 4-part mini-series we discuss why the law was passed and exemptions allowing for 1099 status. 4 Part Mini- Series Dynamex Operations West Inc, v CA Superior Court decision Exempt workers from W-2 status Penalties for misclassified workers Proactive steps businesses should consider These educational videos are intended to provide information that may impact your business. If you are not sure, please consult an attorney or CPA for professional advice. Charter …
The CFPB published FAQs today for the transitional licensing. The FAQs are broken into two categories: types of loan originators and state transitional licenses. The rules are effective November 24, 2019 and allow for ELIGIBLE registered and state-licensed originators to receive temporary authority to originate during the 120 period of obtaining a new state-license. In addition, the NMLS has issued guidance on worker classification. Watch for our upcoming 4-part video series on the 1099 vs …
Years ago, a local competitor asked me, “Why do you attend all these mortgage conferences? What a waste of time.” I responded “because that’s where Professionals learn.” Several years later one of his originators had their license revoked for copying and pasting signatures! Not all associations or conferences make sense for all participants. Being a member of more than one association can yield better results than the voice of one. When reviewing conference agendas narrow …
November 24, 2019 is the effective date for Temporary Authority, and it’s right around the corner. Transitional Licensing was passed as part of S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act and provides 120-day temporary authority to operate as a state-licensed mortgage loan originator for individuals who are: 1) a registered loan originator who becomes employed by a state-licensed mortgage company, or 2) a state-licensed loan originator who becomes employed by a …
Take a look Here. At last Online Continuing Education worth taking! We have taken CE courses since 2011 and they are all the same. Presenting Deb Killian in her National NMLS Continuing Education course for 2019. SAFE Federal 2019 CE – The Mortgage Professional. Find out what it means to be a Mortgage Professional. These courses are for individuals who are state licensed Mortgage Loan Originators. They meets the requirements of all 50 States for …
A complete video presentation on the “Best Practices” of mortgage loan originators.
Purchase business is the lifeblood of many originators. With affordable homes in low supply, multiple offers on multiple properties is a way of life, especially in the first-time home-buyer segment. And, every real estate agent wants a “pre” something! A Friday in August, and I can’t get this topic off my mind. On July 31, 2019 the CFPB put out FAQs on this very topic. So, here’s some food for thought. FAQ Question #4: Is …
Originators have a significant impact on the psychological emotional, and financial well-being of every consumer they interact with and it stays with them well beyond the closing. Let’s also not forget impact on our bosses, co-workers, real estate referral and other partners and our companies! We believe this is such a neglected topic, we made the first episode in the Mortgage Professional Practices program, IMPACT- Psychological, Emotional and Financial Impact, Empathy in Mortgage Transactions. Real …